Wisdom (?) Shared

Today, Monday May 24th, I turn 10,000 days old. It's true that boredom leads to such discoveries, but I still feel like that was 5 minutes well wasted. Anyways, in honour of this momentous occasion, I've decide to share with you some of the priceless lessons life has taught me. Use this wisdom wisely, for I did not come by all of it easy!

- sneezing into an air vent is not a good idea.
- badgers break bumpers.
- if it seems too good to be true, it is. but try it anyways.
- football fandom brings more heartache than reward. if it doesn't, it's not true fandom.
- trust your 7 iron.
- find yourself a scapegoat. make sure you're not somebody else's.
- ignore peer pressure. don't give a fuck about what that ponce with the hairdo thinks about you because you'll all look back in fifteen years and cringe anyways.
- women are a mystery. be that through their own mysteriousness, or my idiocy, they shall remain so.
- toilet breaks on road trips are directly related not to the smallest bladder size in the car, but to that of the driver.
- the stupider a product, the more likely it is to catch on.
- some days you're the pigeon, some days you're statue. deal with it.
- remember, some of the best things you will ever eat will look like someone vomited on a molehill.
- forget about the chipmunk and get the fire extinguisher.
- toilets in Germany clog surprisingly easily. English ones are more difficult.
- don't trust a politician who doesn't wear a tie. they should all have something around their necks to facilitate a quick hanging.
- if you're gonna wear flashy boots on a football pitch, you're just increasing the chances that that stupid thing you tried to do gets noticed.
- being a good example is all good and whatnot, but being a terrible warning is so much more fun.

and finally,

enjoy yourself, you only get one shot at this so make sure it makes you smile.


  1. Meant to comment when i first seen this. Laughed my balls off when i read this!!! Good work dude, keep them coming!!


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