Let's just see how this goes


Okay, so this pet project of mine really fell off the boil late last year. I don’t know why, I do actually really enjoy the act of writing, and I re-he-heally like ranting, so the combination of both should be something that holds my interest. It did, but only for 8 months or so. The problem is that it wasn’t the only thing that got placed on the back burner, and that is kind of what is bringing me back to the keyboard, in the vain belief that anybody actually reads this.

Admitting Defeat

One reason I believe I walked away from blogging was that I’m not as active as I was earlier in the year. I used to play soccer two nights a week, but cut that to one in September. Perversely, one thought that went through my head at the time was that I’d have more time to write, but that hasn’t been the case. Or rather, it was the case, I just didn't get off my arse and make proper use of it. Now, I don’t profess to know a great deal about physical exercise, it’s relationship to mindset and so on, but I have found that since I stopped playing soccer the second night that my mind wanders a little bit more. As unnerving as the sudden dip in mental capacity may be, I am, however, more concerned at the effect this drop-off in activity levels has had on my waistline.

I sit before you today, acknowledging that I may be fighting a losing battle. This morning, I got out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror. And I realized that my gut is back. Or rather, I realized around early January that it was back, it’s just now I am willing to admit that it hasn’t gone away. I stood on the scales this evening, registering 13 stone, 8 pound (that’s 190lb for you North Americans out there). While it’s nowhere near the heaviest I’ve been, it is a significant rise from my pre-Christmas weight (for yardstick purposes, we’ll nail it at 178lb). More worryingly, my jeans feel a little tight. This is made all the more bothersome by the fact that I just ordered my work uniform in this size. I like this size, it took a lot of work to get down to it, and I want to still fit in it this time next year.

Any Given Sunday

I’m putting this on paper and/or in Cyberland, because in my head what happens is that I keep saying “this Sunday, that’s the day I hit the gym again”. Only I never do, because next Sunday is so much more convenient. Now, I shall be able to look down on this at a point in the future and hopefully say “that was the Sunday I started this thing properly”. And so it shall be.

I’ve settled on a plan of action too. Rather than going to my trusted Personal Trainer friend, I have turned to the Interwebs for help. I first became familiar with Bill Phillips’ workouts about five years ago, maybe a little longer, when I read his book. While I had grand ambitions to try it out then, I was also at a time in my life when I very much loved nights out drinking and sitting on my ass doing nothing. So now, with a gym downstairs, and impending public shame and humiliation motivating me, I have to decided to try out the Body-For-Life program.

My goal, truthfully, is just to become fitter. I'm not looking to be one of those ripped, Junior Arnies that are on that site, I really just want to be fit and able to walk up 2 flights of stairs without feeling a little bit worse for wear. And to hold onto my pant-size. And I shall start this Sunday! Stay tuned for updates!

Final Thoughts

I hate how the spellchecker changes my “S”s to “Z”s in recognize. Recognize. Recogni-S-e.

That is all.


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