It's too nice out to gripe

I know it's been a while since I sat down at this battered old laptop of mine and spent an inordinate amount of time producing a piece of work that really shouldn't take so long. But the truth is that I've had very little to give say lately. It's not that I'm not opinionated (anyone who knows me will tell you as much), it's just that well, I don't want to express those opinions right now.

Aside from steering clear of whatever socially sensitive issues that Canada may have experienced in the last couple of weeks, I've found my need to blow off steam satisfied through other means, notably football or drinking. Only that's not the whole story. Because that takes care of the big issues. It's more accurate to say that this good weather we've been experiencing has mellowed me greatly.

I no longer feel the need to prattle on about the inhuman beasts who, despite being blessed with the gift of earphones, insist on inflicting their misguided music tastes on the rest of us public transport users. And I feel strangely okay with those people who, despite hauling 2 sports bags of equipment at a much slower pace than us unladen folk, still clog up the city's streets and thoroughfares rather than getting out of the way. And the people who stop when walking through a set of doors to a common area or busy building . . . well, no, I still hate their guts, but that's old hat. And the simple result is that my loyal readership (Leigh-Ann and Lisa as far as I can tell) is suffering from a drought of material for which to peruse. And I apologise.

It shouldn't last long, and if it does, I'll start posting happy pictures. Of bunnies.

A Small Reminder of What I'm Missing

On September 8th, 2008, I stood and applauded my beloved Bohemian FC from the field at Dalymount Park. They had, for all intents and purposes, just sewn up a league title, and more importantly, it would be my last visit to the famous old ground before I left for Canada. It was a sad day for me, Bohemians had been a part of my life since I was 12 (I still have the match programme from my first game). They were my Friday night entertainment. Right the way through my teen years and into my 20s, while friends of mine were in pubs and clubs, I stood on terraces and in mouldy, wet grounds around the Dublin area cheering on my team. And what's more, I scolded my friends for what they were missing. Bohemians were my drug.

I've missed live sports. Save baseball (which is a dubious inclusion in the sports category to begin with), I've not made it to a lot of sporting events since I arrived. Tonight was no different, but I did watch Toronto FC's first home game of the season from the comfort of my couch. And it reminded my of everything I missed about Bohemians. The fact that it's a hometown team, for one is hugely appealing factor. The fact that it may not be the coolest ticket in town is another. And, just as a little kick to my heritage, the fact that they didn't do things the easy way tonight marks them as my kind of team.

I miss being a part of a football crowd. I miss feeling the energy rise and fall with the fortunes on the field, and I especially miss those nights where the energy ebbs and flows on the field according to what's coming from the stands.

Toronto FC may not have made the league take notice with a scrappy 2-1 win over Philadelphia tonight, but they won a fan over. I won't make as many games as I would like, but I will make it to some, and I'm determined to watch as many of those I miss in person on the box. Who knows, it may even turn into a love affair like that that began in October 1995 in a small wooden stand in a rainy Phibsboro. We'll have to wait and see on that score.

I'll forever be Red and Black, but as of tonight, there's a little bit more red.


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