
Showing posts from January, 2010

yeah . . . that thing that i meant to do . . .

So, annnywaaayyy . . . yeah, I was going to write here more often. But, fuck it . . . I'm not getting paid for this. Oral Stimulation of the genitals; Cunnilingus, Fellatio This is the definition of Oral Sex that had Merriam-Webster's English Dictionary pulled from one American school. Before we get into the Ins and Outs of the particulars of this case, I'd like to pose a general question about what is and isn't acceptable in the forms of censorship for children? Don't get me wrong, obviously, there is appropriate ages for the whole Birds and the Bees talk, but removing a tool as useful as the Dictionary from the classroom because of what some child may find therein, well . . . it boggles the mind. Children are curious creatures. They will find this shit out eventually. And it's not exactly like the above definition is in any way erotic whatsoever. Let an early teen loose in a library for 15 minutes, and they will have something far, far worse that this...

New Years and all that Jazz

New Year's I'm not normally one for New Year's celebrations. It's normally a non-event, to be honest. A clock ticks past 12, everyone gets drunk and wakes up to "start afresh" the next morning feeling like they've just gone 12 rounds with a Siberian Tiger. People are cranky. I used to take it as a sign that the new League of Ireland season was only 3 months away, or that my car was worth a few quid less. And yet, I feel strangely compelled to buy into it in 2010. You see, 2009 seemed, for the first time, to provide some direction in my life. It's the first time I've spent a whole year away from Ireland, and steps are in place to make it a permanent move. More importantly, I feel like I've put down permanent roots here in Toronto, and the beginnings of a social circle of my own. However tentative a footing these might have, I believe that this city is where my life is going to take shape and look forward to the future I may have. A...