Save Our Bacon! Say No to Dolphins!
Okay, seriously. I can't believe that this story even exists, but it does. And it is just so outrageously ridiculous that I felt I had to resurrect this blog to rant about it. There's no easy way for me to write this and not have you think I've lost whatever marbles I had left, so I'm just going to post the link (to the BBC website, I may add) and let you find out for yourselves. Human Rights For Dolphins So, there you have it. Scientists are now claiming that Dolphins and Killer Whales are self-aware, and that they deserve to be recognized as "persons". There is, apparently, a movement seeking support for a "Declaration of Rights for Cetaceans". Yeah . . . Before this rant descends into either A) me mocking this concept mercilessly or B) any readers I may have had accuse me of eating dolphins or C) A followed by B, let me state plainly that I do not eat Dolphin meat. I don't like the texture. But more importantly, if this were to gain t...