
Showing posts from March, 2011

Dave the . . . Technophobe???

Let me start by saying this rant is probably going to upset a few people. If you place as much importance on why your tech-gizmo is more important than someone else's tech-gizmo as you would on why you love your child more than the neighbours, well, look away now. I'm starting to notice something about my life lately. I'm no longer up to date on all the latest gadgets and techno-wizardry that's going on around us. This has shocked me somewhat. Well, more than somewhat, I'm deeply, deeply perturbed by it. I thought I was cool, and still (at least partly) aware of what the world was doing around me. But then, it started to happen. A colleague at work recently announce he had just replaced a perfectly good car stereo. Why? Because he wanted one with a USB jack as he "hates CDs and is glad he doesn't have to buy the fucking things anymore". Yes, I was aware that the music industry had moved on and no longer vended their wares solely through HMV or any ...