
Showing posts from August, 2010

Farmer Dave

As those of you who know me well enough know, I'm not a huge fan of gardening. And by not a huge fan, I mean I have about as much interest in nurturing plants and shrubs as I do in contracting Cholera. So you can imagine my reactions when Leigh-Ann declared last Christmas that she was applying for a community plot. Without going into the ins-and-outs of how and where we applied, but let's just leave it at: We got a plot. As it transpired, the plot is attached to my workplace, and as such, I have spent a reasonable amount of time, be it after work or during my lunch-break. I do what I can. Basically, I water it and try to not to touch anything that I know nothing about. Which is everything. And I mean everything. I've been telling Leigh-Ann for weeks that our Bean plants haven't been sprouting beans. Sure, they've got a lot of leafs, but no beans that I can see. She came down to the plot this last Thursday, for the first time in about a week. And harvested a good 7lb...