Give me back my Game!
It's fair to say that I kept reasonably quiet on here since the World Cup kicked off on June 11. The two happenings are entirely related, there's no need to look too deeply into the matter. Needless to say that between work, watching football and playing soccer, I was too busy to write. Which is a shame, because there are various things which I said would happen that did. And I wish I'd let the Interweb world know because then I'd have a written record of it which nobody could dispute. But oh well. Anyways, the point of this whole posting is that following a long month of watching the Beautiful Game , I began to wonder if it actually is beautiful anymore. The World Cup didn't so much highlight the great aspects of the sport, as it did emphasise the annoying ones. So, Mister Blatter and Monsieur Platini, here's my list of Shit That Needs Sorted Before 2014 : 1. Goalline Technology I genuinely do not care what you decide to do with this, just make a decision and s...